Stephanie Vincenti
Marketing Manager

Explore all of the trending and colorful Calibrachoa options for your greenhouse in this latest fold-out brochure from Ball Seed (, the North American distributor with the largest assortment available! Ball FloraPlant and Selecta One are your industry leaders in this popular plant class. Create beautiful hanging baskets and mixed combos with the following Calibrachoa innovations.

Taking the lead in quality and reliability
We've earned critical acclaim for our customer satisfaction. Our dedicated team is at the forefront of breeding to reinvent plant classes for relevance, quality and distinction. With vibrant patterns like Cabaret® Good Night Kiss, strong solids and bright bicolors, you'll find a selection of Calibrachoas from Ball FloraPlant to meet all your program needs.

On the leading edge of Calibrachoa innovation
Selecta One novelty Calibrachoas helped make them a world leader in vegetative ornamental plants. Some prime examples include NEW MiniFamous® Uno Blue Star and Pink Radiance, two multi-color blooms that offer early finishing and excellent uniformity, as well as MiniFamous® Neo Red Hawaii and Double Pink 24, bringing bold bicolors for larger containers. See the complete line of MiniFamous Uno and Neo Calibrachoas!
There's a fit for every program! Download a copy of the brochure at our literature page. For a printed copy of this fold-out poster, contact your Ball Seed sales representative or Ball ColorLink customer service associate at 800 879-BALL.
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