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Osteospermum Blue Eyed Beauty

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Change the way you look at osteos – perfect for premium, early Spring sales. The bright Spring yellow and contrasting center grab your eye from afar. Exceptional bicolor has excellent habit, flower presentation and shelf life.

Culture Guide

Culture Guide

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Blue Eyed Beauty Osteospermum

General Information

Height: 10-14" (25-36cm)
Spread: 14-20" (36-51cm)
Exposure: Sun

Propagation Guide

Tray Sizes (cells/tray): 32, 50, 72, 84, 105
Rooting Hormone: Yes
Average Days with Mist: 9-12
Pinch: Optional
Average Propagation Time (weeks): 3-4
Comments: Maintain uniformity in mist and soil temperature. Do not allow cuttings to wilt. Pinch to increase branching.


Soil pH: 5.8-6.2
Light Levels (fc): 5,000-9,000
Temperature Day: 59-76°F (15-24°C)
Temperature Night: 44-55°F (7-13°C)
Fertilization (ppm N): 225-300
No. of Pinches: 1
Plant Growth Regulators (S=spray / (D=Drench: Is responsive to B-Nine(S) 2,500-4,000 ppm alone or as a tank mix(S) with Cycocel 750-1,000 ppm. Bonzi(S) 15-30 ppm is also effective.
Pests: Aphids, whitefly, thrips
Diseases: Root and stem rot, Botrytis
Comments: After transplanting, allow plants to become established for 1-2 weeks at 60-65°F (15-18°C). Once plants are well established, begin growing at recommended cool temperatures. After 4-6 weeks of cool conditions, plants can be forced in 6-8 weeks.

Crop Time (weeks)

4- to 5-inch (10- to 13-cm) Pots, Quarts: 1 ppp, 10-13 weeks
6-inch (15-cm) Pots, Gallons: 2-3 ppp, 11-14 weeks
10- to 12-inch (25- to 30-cm) Tubs or Baskets: 3-4 ppp, 11-15 weeks
Osteospermum Blue Eyed Beauty

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